ER services affected by spike in pets presenting for care.
What's the problem?
Veterinary hospitals across the country are overwhelmed due to this surge in pets presenting for care. Whether the uptick is from new adoptions surrounding COVID, staff shortages, or simply an increased awareness of issues, the results are longer wait times, staff fatigue and frustrated clients. Practices like ours, are finding six- to eight-hour wait times not unusual, and occasionally, when our emergency room is full we have had to stop accepting new patients.
What are we doing?
A strong focus for us has been to communicate with clients alternative ways to help their pets. For example, our free 24/7 Live Chat,* where licensed veterinary professionals are ready to answer your pet related questions. Additionally, we have sought to provide education about emergency room triage levels and "When being the worst makes you first!" Ultimately, this holiday we expect to see service hour effected and we will do our best to communicate with you about these changes.
What can you do?
1. Call ahead if you are walking in for services or an emergency.
4. Be patient.
We are all pet people and the sentiment, that we are all in this together still rings true. Therefore, as the holiday season approaches, we are grateful to be here for you and your pet.