Friday, September 27, 2013

September Patient of the Month- GD

GD, a 70lb, 3 year old canine mix is a water baby. She and her housemate can be found frolicking around the water most any weekend. However, one day this summer play went wrong. While jumping off the dock, GD caught her left rear leg in the motor of a boat.

When she arrived at the HAH she was anxious, to say the least, and bleeding profusely. An exam and x-rays with Dr. Carlos showed a degloving injury* isolated to her foot with multiple tendon lacerations and two fractured metatarsal bones (foot.) GD was very lucky.

Surgery was necessary and the wound was immediately prepped. Large amounts of dirt and grease from the boat motor were cleaned out prior to any repair. The superficial extensor tendon was severed completely and un-repairable while the 2nd metatarsal bone was reconstructed using soft tissue and allowed to heal by callus formation. The skin was partially closed to allow for drainage and a splint was placed to stabilize the fractures.

An extended schedule of antibiotics and bandage changes were then made. Over a period of one month, GD returned to the HAH for multiple bandage changes; some every few days and later, once a week. GD needed to keep calm and quiet to allow the wound/bone to heal. A task, easier said then done with all of her energy. During these weeks she continued her mischievous behavior chewing on her bandage and even jumping back in the water a few times.

However, today, GD is “back to normal”. While the bones are still in the process of healing, the wounds are gone and her spirits are better then ever. Complete bone healing will take some time and GD may always have a limp in her walk but most will never know the extent of her injuries.

GD was a love to have as a patient and a real trooper for all the bandage changes. She had a very interesting summer and certainly makes a great success story.

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