Roxy is a 4 ½ year old female spayed small breed dog that presented to the Oncology Service for the first time on 4/21/21 for evaluation of a solitary right cranial pulmonary mass that was diagnosed on thoracic radiographs on 3/21/21 while she was being evaluated for coughing. An abdominal ultrasound was performed, which was normal, and cytology of the mass was performed and consistent with carcinoma. A chest CT was then performed with the goal of evaluating if Roxy was a good surgical candidate, but it unfortunately revealed multiple pulmonary nodules that were not visualized on radiographs. She was then diagnosed with metastatic pulmonary carcinoma and started on chemotherapy.
In summary, dogs with pulmonary carcinoma can have positive outcomes if treated appropriately and if no negative prognostic factors are identified. The presence of one or more identified negative prognostic factors can negatively affect prognosis. Although surgery is the mainstay treatment for this type of cancer, the addition of chemotherapy in efforts to prolong survival time in pets with identified negative prognostic factors can be helpful. For dogs that are not good surgical candidates, chemotherapy is a palliative option that can be pursued as in Roxy’s case.
A Case of Canine Metastatic Pulmonary |
Oncology Services
1. Rebhun, R.B., Culp, W.T.N., (2007). Pulmonary Neoplasia. In Withrow & MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology (5th ed., p. 453-459). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
2. Brody RS, Craig PH: Primary pulmonary neoplasms in the dog: a review of 29 cases, J Am Vet Med Assoc 147:1628-1643, 1965.
3. Griffery SM, Kraegel SA, Madewell BR: Rapid detection of K-ras gene mutations in canine lung cancer using single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis, Carcinogenesis 19:959-963, 1998.
4. Meuten DJ: Tumors in domestic animals, ed 4, Ames, Iowa, 2002, Iowa State University Press.
5. Hahn FF, Muggenburg BA. Griffith WC: Primary lung neoplasia in a beagle colony, Vet Pathol 33:633-638, 1996.
6. Moulton JE, von Tscharner C, Schneider R: Classification of lung carcinomas in the dog and cat, Vet Pathol 18:513-528, 1981.
7. Nielsen SW, Horava A: Primary pulmonary tumors of the dog. A report of sixteen cases, Am J Vet Res 21:813-830, 1960.
8. D’Costa S, Yoon B-I, Kim DY, et al: Morphologic and molecular analysis of 39 spontaneous feline pulmonary carcinomas, Vet Pathol DOI 10.117710300985811419529, 2011.
1. Rebhun, R.B., Culp, W.T.N., (2007). Pulmonary Neoplasia. In Withrow & MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology (5th ed., p. 453-459). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
2. Brody RS, Craig PH: Primary pulmonary neoplasms in the dog: a review of 29 cases, J Am Vet Med Assoc 147:1628-1643, 1965.
3. Griffery SM, Kraegel SA, Madewell BR: Rapid detection of K-ras gene mutations in canine lung cancer using single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis, Carcinogenesis 19:959-963, 1998.
4. Meuten DJ: Tumors in domestic animals, ed 4, Ames, Iowa, 2002, Iowa State University Press.
5. Hahn FF, Muggenburg BA. Griffith WC: Primary lung neoplasia in a beagle colony, Vet Pathol 33:633-638, 1996.
6. Moulton JE, von Tscharner C, Schneider R: Classification of lung carcinomas in the dog and cat, Vet Pathol 18:513-528, 1981.
7. Nielsen SW, Horava A: Primary pulmonary tumors of the dog. A report of sixteen cases, Am J Vet Res 21:813-830, 1960.
8. D’Costa S, Yoon B-I, Kim DY, et al: Morphologic and molecular analysis of 39 spontaneous feline pulmonary carcinomas, Vet Pathol DOI 10.117710300985811419529, 2011.
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