One of our First Year Associates, Dr. Peress examined
Cooper and it became very clear that Cooper was not well. X-rays showed his
lungs had fluid building up in his chest cavity and consolidation of a lung
lobe; all originating from a variety of possibilities but all potentially life
threatening. An initial aspirate of the fluid in his chest showed pus and
was sent out for more detailed testing.
At this time, it was suspected that Cooper had pneumonia
and a pyothorax.
A pyothorax is the accumulation of puss in the chest cavity due to an
infection. Cooper was immediately hospitalized under intensive care in
our oxygen therapy chamber and given intravenous medication and fluids
throughout the night.
In the morning Dr. Peress transferred Cooper’s case
to Dr. Heim who placed Cooper under anesthesia to insert a chest tube. This
delicate procedure was complicated by Cooper’s poor lung quality but necessary
to remove the pus from his chest as the accumulation of fluid around the lungs
is life threatening.
For three days, Cooper received antibiotics and
nebulizations to address the pneumonia, and chest lavages to wash out the fluid
that was accumulating in his chest cavity. While his attitude and
appetite improved and his bloodwork was getting better, the fluid in his lungs
was not resolving and his pneumonia was worsening. The laboratory test results
of the fluid taken from his chest at his initial visit returned as e coli. It
was time to do more.
Dr. Heim recommended Cooper get a CT scan to more
fully visualize the origin of his illness. Fortunately, Mobile
Pet Imaginga new mobile service in the area offered to perform a free CT
for Cooper's to introduce their services to our practice. While this diagnostic
test was a risk for Cooper’s health because he must be under full anesthesia
throughout, it would provide the most efficient diagnosis of cause. His owner
The CT scan showed Copper’s right middle lung lobe was
abscessed. An explorative thoracotomy, was recommended with removal of the
right middle lung lobe. Drs. Heim and Herrington performed the procedure and
Cooper handle the anesthesia well.
After surgery Cooper improved dramatically. The chest
tubes were removed and he was sent home a few days later. The damaged lung lobe
was sent for pathology and confirmed the abscess. His prescribed antibiotic
were both powerful and effective and he has made a full recovery.
Since his discharge Cooper has returned for suture
removal and vaccinations. He is living the good life, like all puppies should.
We are so pleased to be able to share his success story.